Advantages of Shared Hosting

shared hosting

Shared web hosting service is a hosting plan where a server hosts multiple websites. Here the websites are given individual cPanels & the websites share server resources like disk space, server cost etc. In shared hosting, the security of your website cannot be guaranteed because if any of the website users make an error in the backend script, the other users will suffer from downtime issues and loading problems. Shared hosting is not good for websites with high traffic. Shared hosting plans are best for websites for low bandwidth.

How can I manage my Website and Databases on shared hosting?

You may manage your website and database with the help of control panels provided by your providers. Some of the examples are MYSQL Manager and PHP ADMIN.

What are the advantages of Shared Hosting Plans?

Shared Hosting plans come with a lot of advantages:

  • Shared hosting plans are affordable & cheap.
  • Shared hosting plans are best for personal blogging websites & small businesses
  • You get full support for maintenance & administration of the server. All technical issues will be taken care of by the support team of the provider.
  • You get individual control panel called cPanel which makes website management easy.
  • You get multiple email accounts & database at your own domain as well as the option to have more than one database.
  • 24x7x365 round the clock technical support, supervision & maintenance from the provider.

What are the disadvantages of Shared Hosting?

Shared Hosting plans come with a lot of disadvantages:

  • Websites using shared hosting share resources of a common server. So they are prone to attacks from hackers.
  • Any sort of problem that the server suffers will immensely affect every website using the server.
  • As the websites are sharing the resources of one server, there are chances that all the websites will suffer from loading speed issues & even use up the resources of other users.
  • Limited access to server utilization.
  • The limited number of features compared to other hosting services.

How much does a shared hosting plan usually cost?

Shared Hosting services are very cheap & affordable. They are the best plans for small business, startups and low budget business

How does shared hosting differ from dedicated and VPS hosting?

Shared hosting shares resources of a single server with multiple websites whereas in a dedicated server you may use the resources of the server for a single website. This ensures high website loading speed & efficient performance. You will have high-security features for your website.

In VPS hosting also uses a single server. But unlike shared hosting, the single server is divided into many virtual server environments which act similar to a dedicated server.

Web hosting